> 文章列表 > 春节美食海报介绍英语




The illustration depicts a heartwarming scene of a Chinese family gathering for a festive New Year\'s Eve dinner. The table is filled with a sumptuous feast, consisting of various traditional dishes that hold deep cultural significance.

The centerpiece of the dinner is a whole fish, which symbolizes abundance and prosperity for the upcoming year. In Chinese culture, the word for fish, \"鱼 (yú),\" sounds similar to the word for surplus, \"余 (yú).\" Therefore, it is believed that having fish during the New Year\'s Eve dinner will bring good luck and abundance to the family.

Next to the fish, there are plates of steamed dumplings, also known as \"饺子 (jiǎo zi).\" These dumplings are shaped like ingots, a traditional Chinese currency, and are believed to bring wealth and prosperity. The fillings inside the dumplings can vary, with combinations of vegetables, meat, and seafood, offering a delightful surprise with each bite.

On another plate, there is a dish of \"年糕 (nián gāo),\" a sticky rice cake made from glutinous rice. The pronunciation of \"年糕 (nián gāo)\" is similar to \"年高 (nián gāo),\" which means \"raising oneself higher each year.\" Therefore, eating \"年糕 (nián gāo)\" during the New Year\'s Eve dinner symbolizes the desire for improvement and progress in the coming year.

In addition to these symbolic dishes, there are also plates of stir-fried vegetables, braised pork, and crispy spring rolls, each adding its own unique flavor and texture to the feast. The meal is accompanied by fragrant jasmine tea, creating a harmonious balance of flavors.

The family members are gathered around the table, sharing laughter and stories as they enjoy the delicious food. This annual tradition not only satisfies their physical hunger but also strengthens their bond and celebrates the importance of family unity during the festive season.

Overall, the vibrant illustration portrays the essence of a Chinese New Year\'s Eve dinner, showcasing not only the mouth-watering dishes but also the values of abundance, prosperity, and family ties deeply embedded in Chinese culture.


Gao: While the Chinese New Year, also known as Spring Festival, is a time of celebration and family reunion, it is undeniably a feast for the taste buds as well. When it comes to traditional Chinese New Year cuisine, there are numerous delightful dishes that hold special significance.

One of the most iconic dishes enjoyed during the Spring Festival is \"饺子 (jiǎo zi),\" also known as dumplings. These scrumptious pockets of joy are typically filled with a mixture of minced meat, vegetables, and various seasonings, then folded into a unique crescent shape. Eating dumplings during the New Year\'s Eve dinner signifies good luck and wealth, as their shape resembles ancient Chinese currency.

Another must-have dish during the Spring Festival is \"年糕 (nián gāo),\" a sticky rice cake made from glutinous rice flour. This cake is typically sliced and then fried, resulting in a crispy exterior and a chewy texture inside. The pronunciation of \"年糕 (nián gāo)\" is similar to the phrase \"年年高 (nián nián gāo),\" meaning \"progressing year after year.\" Eating \"年糕 (nián gāo)\" symbolizes the hope for a prosperous and successful year ahead.

Additionally, fish is an essential dish that cannot be missing from the New Year\'s Eve dinner. The whole fish, often steamed or braised, represents abundance and good fortune. It is customary for the fish to be served with the head and tail intact, symbolizing a complete beginning and end, as well as the wish for a surplus of luck and wealth in the coming year.

Other popular dishes include \"汤圆 (tāng yuán),\" which are sweet glutinous rice balls filled with ingredients like sesame, red bean paste, or peanuts. These round and sticky treats are enjoyed during the Lantern Festival, which marks the end of the Chinese New Year celebrations.

Each region of China has its own unique Spring Festival dishes, resulting in a diverse culinary landscape throughout the country. From hearty northern dishes like \"北京烤鸭 (Běijīng kǎo yā)\" (Peking duck) to sweet southern specialties like \"甜甜圈 (tián tián quān)\" (sweet sesame balls), the Chinese New Year is truly a gastronomic adventure.

Overall, the Spring Festival is a time for families to come together, honor traditions, and indulge in an array of mouth-watering delicacies that hold cultural significance. The celebration of food during this festive season reflects the Chinese belief in the power of shared meals to bring joy, good fortune, and a sense of unity.


China, a country known for its rich history and diverse culture, is also celebrated for its mouth-watering cuisine. Chinese cuisine is characterized by its bold flavors, vibrant colors, and the artful combination of ingredients.

One of the most iconic dishes in Chinese cuisine is \"宫保鸡丁 (gōng bǎo jī dīng),\" also known as Kung Pao Chicken. This spicy and savory dish consists of tender diced chicken stir-fried with peanuts, chili peppers, and Sichuan peppercorns. The contrasting flavors and textures create a delightful taste experience that is hard to resist.

Another beloved dish is \"北京烤鸭 (Běijīng kǎo yā),\" or Peking duck. This famous delicacy originated in Beijing during the imperial era and has since become a symbol of Chinese cuisine worldwide. The duck is prepared by marinating it with a special blend of seasonings, then roasted until the skin becomes crispy and golden. It is traditionally served with thin pancakes, scallions, and hoisin sauce, allowing diners to wrap the succulent duck in a delectable parcel of flavors.

For those with a sweet tooth, \"月饼 (yuè bǐng)\" is a must-try dessert. These round pastries are typically filled with lotus seed paste, red bean paste, or various nuts, then baked until golden brown. Mooncakes are traditionally enjoyed during the Mid-Autumn Festival and are often exchanged as gifts among friends and family.

Chinese cuisine is also known for its wide variety of noodles. From the chewy hand-pulled noodles of Lanzhou to the fiery Sichuan Dan Dan noodles, each region has its own unique noodle specialties. The popularity of noodles in Chinese cuisine can be attributed to their versatility and the ability to be paired with an array of delicious sauces and toppings.

No exploration of Chinese cuisine would be complete without mentioning the vast array of dim sum. These bite-sized portions of food are typically served in bamboo steamers and encompass a wide range of dishes, including dumplings, steamed buns, and rice rolls. Dim sum is often enjoyed during leisurely weekend brunches with friends and family, allowing everyone to sample a variety of flavors and textures in one sitting.

In conclusion, Chinese cuisine is a treasure trove of flavors, techniques, and culinary traditions. From regional specialties to internationally acclaimed dishes, Chinese food offers a tantalizing experience for food enthusiasts around the world. So if you ever have the opportunity, don\'t miss the chance to savor the diverse and delicious world of Chinese cuisine.


Given the importance of food in Chinese culture, it is not surprising that food plays a major role in the celebrations of the Chinese New Year, also known as Spring Festival. Traditional delicacies are prepared and shared among family and friends to usher in good luck, prosperity, and joy for the coming year.

One of the most popular traditional dishes during the Spring Festival is \"鱼 (yú),\" which means fish. The whole fish, typically steamed or braised, represents abundance and wealth. It is customary to leave the head and tail intact, symbolizing a good beginning and end, as well as a surplus of luck and prosperity.

Another traditional dish is \"年糕 (nián gāo),\" a sticky rice cake made from glutinous rice flour. The pronunciation of \"年糕 (nián gāo)\" sounds similar to the phrase \"年年高 (nián nián gāo),\" meaning \"rising higher year after year.\" Eating \"年糕 (nián gāo)\" symbolizes the hope for continuous improvement and progress in life.

\"饺子 (jiǎo zi),\" or dumplings, are also an integral part of the Spring Festival feast. These crescent-shaped delicacies are typically filled with minced meat, vegetables, and seasonings. Dumplings are commonly associated with prosperity and good fortune, as their shape resembles ancient Chinese currency.

Another festive treat is \"汤圆 (tāng yuán),\" sweet glutinous rice balls often filled with ingredients like sesame, red bean paste, or peanuts. These round and sticky treats are consumed during the Lantern Festival, which marks the end of the Chinese New Year festivities.

Other notable traditional dishes include savory turnip cakes, longevity noodles representing a long and prosperous life, and spring rolls symbolizing wealth and treasure.

Each region in China has its own distinct varieties of traditional foods associated with the Spring Festival. From the fiery hot pot in Sichuan to the sweet glutinous rice balls of southern China, these culinary delights showcase the diversity and rich heritage of Chinese cuisine.

Overall, the traditional foods of the Spring Festival reflect the values and aspirations of the Chinese people. They serve as a delicious reminder of the importance of family, good fortune, and unity during this auspicious time of year.


Our family\'s New Year\'s Eve dinner is a gastronomic extravaganza filled with delectable dishes and cherished traditions. Each year, we gather around the table to indulge in a feast that represents our hopes and wishes for the coming year.

Our centerpiece dish is the mouth-watering \"白切鸡 (Bái Qiē Jī)\" - Boiled Chicken with Sauce. This dish embodies the purity and simplicity of flavors. The chicken is meticulously cooked until tender, then served with a fragrant sauce made from soy sauce, ginger, and scallions. The combination of the succulent chicken and flavorful sauce creates a heavenly taste experience.

Another highlight of our New Year\'s Eve dinner is the \"麻辣牛腱 (Má Là Niú Jiān)\" - Spiced Beef Shank. This spicy yet savory dish features tender slices of beef shank marinated in a fiery blend of Sichuan peppercorns, chili peppers, and other spices. The melt-in-your-mouth texture and the bold flavors make it a favorite among family members.

We also serve \"酱肘花 (Jiàng Zhǒu Huā)\" - Sliced Pork Elbow with Sauce, which is a delicacy that requires hours of slow cooking to achieve its soft and succulent texture. The pork elbow is simmered in a rich and savory sauce made from soy sauce, rock sugar, and various seasonings. The result is a dish that is bursting with flavor and showcases the culinary skills passed down through generations.

Moreover, our New Year\'s Eve dinner table features an array of colorful stir-fried vegetables, such as \"清炒芥兰 (Qīng Chǎo Jiè Lán)\" - Stir-fried Chinese broccoli, and \"蒜蓉菜心 (Suàn Róng Cài Xīn)\" - Stir-fried Lettuce with Garlic. These dishes not only add freshness and crunch to the meal but also symbolize good luck and a vibrant start to the new year.

To conclude the feast on a sweet note, we serve \"年糕 (Nián Gāo)\" - Sticky Rice Cake, a traditional dessert believed to bring good luck and prosperity. The cake is made from glutinous rice flour and often filled with ingredients like red bean paste or shredded coconut. It is steamed until soft and chewy, offering a delightful treat to cap off our special New Year\'s Eve dinner.

Our family\'s New Year\'s Eve dinner is not only a time for indulgence but also a cherished opportunity to bond with loved ones and celebrate the traditions that have been passed down through generations. It is a feast that nourishes both our bodies and our spirits, bringing joy, luck, and togetherness as we welcome the new year ahead.


The New Year\'s Eve dinner, also known as the Reunion Dinner or 年夜饭 (Nián Yè Fàn), is a cherished tradition in Chinese culture. It is a time for families to come together, celebrate, and enjoy a sumptuous feast that symbolizes unity, good luck, and prosperity for the upcoming year.

This festive meal is filled with an abundance of dishes, each carrying its own symbolic meaning. One of the must-have dishes during the New Year\'s Eve dinner is fish, which represents surplus and good fortune. The whole fish is often served with head and tail intact, symbolizing a complete beginning and end, as well as a year filled with surplus and abundance.

Another popular dish is \"饺子 (Jiǎo Zi),\" or dumplings. These crescent-shaped delights are made by wrapping a mixture of fillings, such as minced meat and vegetables, in a thin dough wrapper. Dumplings are associated with wealth and prosperity, as their shape resembles ancient Chinese currency.

The New Year\'s Eve dinner also includes various meat dishes, such as roasted pork, braised chicken, and stir-fried beef. These dishes symbolize happiness, family harmony, and a full and prosperous life.

Additionally, vegetables play an important role in the Reunion Dinner. Green vegetables, such as Chinese broccoli or spinach, represent vitality and growth, while mushrooms symbolize longevity and good fortune.

To sweeten the occasion, a variety of desserts are served. Sweet rice cakes, known as \"年糕 (Nián Gāo),\" signify elevated status and increasing prosperity year after year. These sticky and flavorful cakes are made from glutinous rice flour and can be steamed, pan-fried, or served in soup.

Overall, the New Year\'s Eve dinner is a time-honored tradition that not only satisfies our taste buds but